Articles Posted in Child Support

Generally, New York law dictates that child support obligations end when the child in question turns 21. Parents are free to extend their support obligations via a stipulation; however, for example, it is not uncommon for divorcing parents to develop an agreement defining obligations for their children’s college tuition. As demonstrated in a recent New York opinion, the courts will usually deem such provisions enforceable. If you need assistance with a child support dispute, it is wise to consult a New York child support lawyer to determine your options.

History of the Case

It is alleged that the husband and the wife were married and had three children together. The wife initiated divorce proceedings, and all ancillary matters were resolved through a Stipulation of Settlement in 2017. The stipulation addressed, among other things, child custody, child support, and college expenses. Pursuant to the Stipulation, the wife had sole physical custody of the children, while the husband was obligated to pay child support. The parties were divorced by a Judgment of Divorce later that year.

It is reported that the Stipulation included provisions regarding the children’s future college expenses and the husband’s obligation to maintain a life insurance policy for the benefit of the children. The wife subsequently filed a motion seeking an upward adjustment of child support based on the husband’s increased income, contribution towards college expenses, and proof of compliance with the life insurance provision. Continue reading

New York law dictates that all parents must provide for their children financially. As such, when the parents of a child divorce, the court will often order one parent to pay the other child support. The courts rely on child support guidelines to determine what constitutes an appropriate support obligation. The courts are not strictly bound by the guidelines, however, but can exercise discretion and deviate from the parameters set forth by the guidelines when deemed appropriate, as demonstrated in a recent New York ruling. If you want more insight into your rights and obligations with regard to child support, it is smart to talk to a New York child support attorney as soon as possible.

Factual History and Procedural Setting of the Case

It is reported that the mother and the father were married in January 2014, and the mother adopted the father’s child from a prior relationship in December 2015. In April 2018, the mother initiated divorce proceedings, seeking ancillary relief. By March 2019, the parties reached a settlement agreement concerning child custody and parental access.

Allegedly, in October 2019, following a nonjury trial, the court rendered a decision determining that the mother should pay the father $150 per month in child support, a downward deviation from the Child Support Standards Act (CSSA) guidelines. The court justified this deviation by considering factors such as shared physical custody, similar incomes, medical insurance coverage, the child’s eligibility for government benefits, the short duration of the marriage, and the mother’s adoption of the father’s biological child. The father appealed. Continue reading

New York law states that parents have an obligation to provide for their children financially. In cases in which parents share custody of a child, this often means that one parent will be required to pay child support to the other. In matters in which parents have equal custody rights, the courts will often impose the child support obligation on the parent who earns a higher income, as demonstrated in a recent New York case. If you are dealing with a child support dispute, it is prudent to talk to a New York child support attorney about your options.

Case Setting

It is reported that the father and mother were married and had two children, who were born in 2006 and 2010; they divorced in 2017. The divorce judgment initially ordered the father to pay $641.86 per week in child support. Following a hearing, a Support Magistrate modified the child support obligations, ordering the mother to pay the father $150 weekly, deeming him the custodial parent.

Allegedly, the mother objected, arguing that, despite equal custody, the father, as the monied spouse, should be the noncustodial parent. The father also objected, contending that the Support Magistrate erred by not imputing income to the mother. The court denied both objections, and both parties appealed. Continue reading

In New York, when determining whether to impose child support calculations, the courts will assess, among other things, the parties’ income. In doing so, the court will not only evaluate the parties’ stated income but may also impute income to them based on the evidence of record. This was demonstrated in a recent New York ruling issued in a child support case, in which the court explained the grounds for imputing income to a party. If you need assistance navigating a child support dispute, it is wise to meet with a New York child support lawyer promptly.

Factual Background

It is reported that the parties got married in 1994 and had two children. The wife initiated divorce proceedings in May 2016, leading to a nonjury trial in December 2017 to address various issues such as custody, child support, parental access, equitable distribution, and counsel fees. The trial court imputed an annual income of $72,000 to the husband for the purpose of calculating child support. As a result, the court ordered the husband to pay $1,384.10 per month in basic child support and 66% of the children’s unreimbursed undergraduate college and medical expenses. Subsequently, the court entered a judgment of divorce, which the husband appealed.

In New York, judgments of divorce will typically not only legally end a couple’s marriage but will also establish their rights and obligations with regard to child support, spousal maintenance,  and property division. As such, if a party fails to comply with the terms of a divorce judgment, they can be held in contempt. Recently, a New York court discussed the burden of proof for a party asking the court to hold their former spouse in civil contempt in a divorce case. If you have questions about the legal process of ending your marriage, it is in your best interest to talk to a New York divorce lawyer at your earliest convenience.

History of the Case

Allegedly, the parties in this case were married in 1993 and had four children. They got divorced, and a judgment of divorce was entered in October 2016. The divorce judgment was based on a decision that resulted from a trial held in February 2015. This decision from the trial was incorporated by reference into the final divorce judgment.

In many New York divorce actions, the courts will find it fitting to order one party to pay the other spousal or child support. Typically, support obligations are based, in part, on the income of both parties. In cases in which the courts believe a party is learning less than they are able to, however, the courts may impute income to them. In a recent New York divorce action, the court discussed when the imputation of income is appropriate. If you are considering ending your marriage, it is recommended that you meet with a New York divorce attorney to discuss how your decision may impact you financially.

The History of the Case

It is reported that the parties were married and subsequently divorced. The final judgment of dissolution addressed spousal maintenance, child support, custody arrangements, and property distribution. The husband appealed on several grounds, and the wife filed a cross appeal.

The cost of raising a child increases each year, and few people can afford it alone. As such, in cases in which parents split custody of a child, the courts will often order one parent to pay the other child support. If a parent refuses to pay child support, they can be held in contempt and may be incarcerated. As discussed in a recent New York ruling, however, the courts may be reluctant to both sentence a parent to serve time in prison and order them to pay child support arrears. If you have questions about your rights pertaining to child support, it is wise to confer with a New York child support attorney as soon as possible.

Factual and Procedural History of the Case

It is reported that the husband filed a motion requesting the court to find the wife in contempt of court for deliberately failing to comply with court orders to pay monthly child support and maintenance. The amount in arrears exceeded $48,000. The court ordered the wife to pay half of the arrears by a certain date in order to avoid further sanctions.

Allegedly, the wife failed to fully pay the purge amount. Consequently, the court issued an Order of Commitment, resulting in the wife’s imprisonment for a maximum term of three weeks. After the wife was released from custody, the court addressed the issue of whether the wife’s incarceration satisfied the purge amount. Continue reading

Discovery is an essential part of family law cases, as it allows the courts to evaluate parties’ rights and obligations with regard to child support, spousal support, property division, and other matters. If a party fails to engage in a discovery process, therefore, it can be prejudicial to their opponent and may be grounds for the court to sanction them, as demonstrated in a recent New York child support case. If you share custody of a child, it is important to understand your parental rights and duties, and it would benefit you to speak to a New York child support lawyer.

History of the Case

It is reported that the husband and wife married in 2001. They had two children during the marriage before the wife filed for divorce in 2013. She subsequently moved to compel the defendant to comply with specific discovery requests, and if he did not, requested that the court bar him from offering evidence at trial regarding financial matters. The court granted the motion, stating that if the defendant declined to comply with the discovery order, the court would evaluate child support based on the needs of the children instead of the factors and formulas defined in the Child Support Standards Act.

Allegedly, the husband appealed the order, but it was affirmed. He then failed to comply with the order and as such, was precluded from presenting evidence regarding his finances at trial. The court then directed him to pay approximately $5,600 per month in child support. The husband appealed. Continue reading

The following questions are examples of frequently asked questions during a consultation as it relates to contested divorces for parties with children. These are typically the topics that cover most contested divorce proceedings with children.

Divorces for people with children:

  1. How long do Contested Divorces usually take?

The New York courts place great importance on a parent’s duty to financially support their child. As such, if the courts determine that a party neglected to uphold their support obligation, they may choose to impose sanctions on the party. Not all failures to pay child support are sanctionable, though, as demonstrated in a recent New York opinion issued in a matter arising out of a dispute over a father’s financial obligations to his children. If you need assistance with a child support matter, it is in your best interest to contact a knowledgeable New York child support lawyer to assess your rights.

Factual and Procedural History of the Case

It is reported that the mother and father shared custody of their three children, and the father had an obligation to pay the mother child support. The father neglected to pay support for an unspecified period of time, and the mother filed a motion for enforcement and for sanctions. The support magistrate determined, among other things, that the father’s failure to pay child support was not willful. He also declined to grant the mother’s request that the court order the father to pay half of one of the children’s private school tuition. The mother appealed.

The Court’s Findings

The appellate court affirmed the trial court ruling. First, the court found that the support magistrate’s finding that the father’s failure to pay child support was not willful was entitled to great deference, as it rested largely on the magistrate’s credibility determinations. Specifically, the magistrate found that the father credibly testified that he was unable to seek regular employment due to his parenting responsibilities. Continue reading

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